Do you want to know about the latest exchange news? You are in the right place. On this CoinEdition page, we cover exchange news covering different indices, exchange categories and coin market cap, and price changes. For those who are new to the space, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches buyers to sellers enabling users to sell, buy, trade, and often store their coins and tokens. Our writers detail both individual crypto exchange news and aggregated exchanges news; and delve into the happenings of Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and Hybrid Exchanges. Stay updated on the latest exchange news.
Terra researcher no longer considers Binance CEO a trustworthy crypto ambassador. The US regulator CFTC accused Binance of violating futures transaction laws. Binance CEO said…
BitBoy Crypto believes that the CFTC’s lawsuit against Binance is more of a shot against the SEC than Binance. Eleanor Terrett shares that her sources…
Millionero is a crypto exchange for novices in crypto, streamlining the trading process. Millionero sets a 3x leverage on perpetual contracts by default. Millionero offers…
Derivatives Trading Platform Bitget has announced its partnership with data warehouse Space and Time. Bitget is the first centralized exchange to leverage a decentralized data…
A&T Capital’s founding partner resigned and faced investigations over misconduct. The firm took a zero-tolerance approach toward unethical or illegal behavior. Crypto firms in Hong…
Allin completed its Kickstarter campaign and began trading for the ALLIN token. The team promised updates on its dApps and about going ALLCAPS. Allin and…
Wintermute Trading received 40M Arbitrum network tokens. The market maker distributed various ARB tokens to centralized exchanges. Binance users will be able to withdraw ARB…
Ex Coinone official arrested for taking KRW 1.9B for listing digital currency. Bithumb CEO under investigation for similar bribery allegations. The cryptocurrency industry in South…
The SEC recently subpoenaed Sushi DAO and head chef Jared Grey. Jared Grey has proposed to establish a $3 million legal defense fund to cover…
South Korean law enforcement investigates Bithumb CEO over alleged bribery for listings. Coinone also faces similar allegations against a former employee. Other South Korean exchanges,…