Do you want to know about the latest exchange news? You are in the right place. On this CoinEdition page, we cover exchange news covering different indices, exchange categories and coin market cap, and price changes. For those who are new to the space, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches buyers to sellers enabling users to sell, buy, trade, and often store their coins and tokens. Our writers detail both individual crypto exchange news and aggregated exchanges news; and delve into the happenings of Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and Hybrid Exchanges. Stay updated on the latest exchange news.
Jake Chervinsky has applauded the crypto media community for vocalizing about FTX.Chervinsky further added that the crypto media did a great job of speaking the… announced the launch of their Industry Liquidity Support Fund on Twitter.The crypto exchange has allotted $100M to support the crypto industry mentions that…
Stephen Findeisen, YouTuber Coffeezilla, snuck into Twitter Spaces to interview SBF.As for FTX and Alameda dashboards or whether users will be compensated, SBF was unclear.FTX…
Bybit announces a 30% workforce reduction due to the ongoing bear market.Swyftx announced 40% lay-offs due to deteriorating digital asset markets.Many crypto exchanges conduct mass…
The US Department of Justice is seeking an independent investigation of the bankrupt FTX.FTX’s new CEO John Ray says he wishes to recover customer assets…
Uniswap’s new NFT aggregator had a successful launch.3,180 new UNI addresses were created for the first time in 19 months.UNI is currently trading at $5.79…
South Korean fin-tech company Dunamu saw a revenue of $205 million and a profit of $124 million.However, the figures are 66% and 76% below the…
Changpeng Zhao announced that the transfer of BTC worth $2 billion was a part of the Proof-of-Reserve Audit.The fund was apparently transferred under an auditor's…
The crypto lending firm BlockFi has willingly filed for US bankruptcy under Chapter 11.The firm will revise efforts to collect debts owing to BlockFi by…
Crypto influencer Lark Davis anticipates bankruptcy announcement from AAX.AAX paused user withdrawals on November 14.The exchange’s VP of global marketing and communications, Ben Caselin has…