Do you want to know about the latest exchange news? You are in the right place. On this CoinEdition page, we cover exchange news covering different indices, exchange categories and coin market cap, and price changes. For those who are new to the space, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches buyers to sellers enabling users to sell, buy, trade, and often store their coins and tokens. Our writers detail both individual crypto exchange news and aggregated exchanges news; and delve into the happenings of Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and Hybrid Exchanges. Stay updated on the latest exchange news.
Changpeng Zho responded to Jesse Powell's tweet on the pointlessness of PoR launched by Binance.Jesse P said PoR is pointless as it is devoid of…
Binance CEO calls critics' objections a healthy check, promising to provide apt feedback.Previously, Kraken's CEO challenged Binance’s published proof-of-reserve.He claimed the statement of assets is…
Crypto exchanges in South Korea have announced the delisting of WEMIX.Wemade made accusations of disseminating incorrect information by WEMIX.President Yoon Suk-Yeol may lift the bans…
Bitso has yielded to the demands of users to release its solvency status.Binance, Coinbase, and KuCoin have published specific details of users' funds under their…
Binance announced that it has decided to delist certain trading pairs.Users will be able to trade the delisted assets on other trading pairs that are…
Glassnode Alerts reveal a 23-month low transaction volume worth $30k for BTC.This is a drop from $116K as per data released on November 23.BTC is…
The FTX collapse has injected urgency to regulate the global crypto industry.The crypto exchange’s collapse left over a million creditors with losses in billions of…
Crypto lender Hodlnaut faces investigation from Singapore authorities.The probe is on based on grounds of conjectured fraud.Hodlnaut had halted withdrawals in August citing harsh market…
FTX spent at least $121 million on premium property for staff, including seven condos at Albany resort.The fallen FTX CEO’s parents now own a $16.4…
Jason Morton, Owen Morton, and Shane Morton alleged that Nexo Capital Inc. blocked them from withdrawing their assets from the exchange.They claimed that they were…