Do you want to know about the latest exchange news? You are in the right place. On this CoinEdition page, we cover exchange news covering different indices, exchange categories and coin market cap, and price changes. For those who are new to the space, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches buyers to sellers enabling users to sell, buy, trade, and often store their coins and tokens. Our writers detail both individual crypto exchange news and aggregated exchanges news; and delve into the happenings of Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and Hybrid Exchanges. Stay updated on the latest exchange news.
South Korean prosecutors are investigating the company KOK Foundation, which created Kok Coin, over fraud allegations.KOK Foundation promised to reward users with extra returns when…
Gemini Staking platform supports staking MATIC on Polygon networkThe platform simplifies staking and promises to cover costs related to stakingVP of Product at Gemini expects…
The Philippines’ central bank issued a public warning to citizens about unregistered and foreign crypto service providers.Frauds and scams contribute to a large portion of… announces that trading fees have been reduced by up to 80%.The team states that this new trading fee structure lowers the barrier to cryptocurrency…
Bybit will list the top seven football fan tokens on its exchange. This includes PSG, ACM, BAR, AFC, INTER, CITY, and JUV. Users can earn…
Coinbase Wallet now supports assets bridging between Ethereum and Polygon in the browser extension.At the moment, the new feature works only on browser extensions. Nonetheless,…
KoFIU notified investigative agencies about 16 unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges.According to the Special Financial Information Act, unregistered businesses may be punished by imprisonment for five years…
● Eqonex will halt its crypto exchange operations. ● The company will shut down trading on August 22, and give users until September 14 to…
KuCoin lists the top 10 coins of the week based on trending activities.LUNC tops the chart, whereas BNB drops to the bottom.BTC dropped below $24,000.…
● BTG Pactual bank of Brazil sets in motion its own crypto exchange. ● The exchange named Mynt, will allow BTC and ETH trading. ● …