BlockDAG’s 35th Development Release Boosts Crypto Mining as Presale Approaches $32.9M

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BlockDAG’s 35th Development Release Boosts Crypto Mining as Presale Approaches $32.9M Press Release

The crypto community is keenly following the latest updates from BlockDAG (BDAG), a platform that combines the best features of blockchains and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) for enhanced scalability and speed. BlockDAG’s 35th development release focuses on advancing off-chain computation, introducing dynamic load balancing, and strengthening security protocols. Meanwhile, BlockDAG’s presale continues to excel, having reached Batch 15 with coin prices now at $0.009 and a total of $32.9 million raised due to robust demand for its sophisticated mining technology.

BlockDAG’s Mining Technology Attracts Broad Interest

BlockDAG integrates the rapid processing capabilities of DAGs with the robust security features of traditional blockchains. This hybrid approach has positioned BlockDAG as a leader in efficient and accessible crypto mining. Particularly, the X Series Miners, like the X100, have showcased exceptional efficiency. The X100 model, for example, offers a 2 TH/s hash rate and operates at 1800W, potentially earning up to 2,000 BDAG daily. Its state-of-the-art ASIC technology optimizes computational power while maintaining energy efficiency and profitability, making it suitable for both individual enthusiasts and larger mining operations.

The sales of these miners have been impressive, reflecting the high demand for BlockDAG’s technology. Over 6,122 units have been sold, helping the presale total soar to nearly $32.9 million, demonstrating significant market interest.

Enhancements Brought by BlockDAG’s 35th Dev Release

The latest development release from BlockDAG has made substantial enhancements to the mining process by improving off-chain computation capabilities. This update includes refining mining algorithms to reduce task execution times and enhance block validation speeds. By optimizing how tasks are assigned and managed across various computational resources, BlockDAG has effectively introduced dynamic load balancing. This ensures that tasks are distributed more equitably among miners, utilizing predictive analytics and machine learning to optimize network performance.

Additionally, the BlockDAG team has implemented comprehensive security audits to strengthen the resilience of off-chain computation protocols against potential cyber threats. Further developments include updates to the X1 miner application, which is being reviewed for re-approval in app stores, and progress on BlockDAGscan’s user interface, making it more intuitive and informative for users.


BlockDAG’s 35th development release marks a significant step forward in enhancing the network’s mining efficiency and scalability. By integrating advanced off-chain computation, dynamic load balancing, and upgraded security measures, BlockDAG continues to redefine the standards of crypto mining.

The ongoing success of the presale, with nearly $32.9 million raised and thousands of miners sold, underscores the crypto community’s strong interest and confidence in BlockDAG’s innovative solutions. As the platform continues to evolve, it solidifies its position as a leading crypto ICO, promising a more efficient and secure future for blockchain technology.

Join BlockDAG Presale Now:





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