Vitalik Buterin Doubles Down on Privacy with Repeat Railgun Transfers

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Vitalik Buterin Doubles Down on Privacy with Repeat Railgun Transfers
  • Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin sent another $300K to the privacy protocol Railgun.
  • Buterin consistently transferred to Railgun for six months, moving 100 ETH in April.
  • Amid reactions to his repeated interaction, Buterin claims, “privacy is normal.”

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been spotted depositing approximately $300,000 to the renowned privacy-based protocol Railgun. According to data from the market intelligence platform Arkham, Buterin transferred 80 ETH tokens to an address associated with Railgun..

Notably, this is not Buterin’s first transfer of substantial funds to Railgun. Precisely a month ago, the Ethereum founder transferred 100 ETH worth over $325K to the privacy-based crypto solution.

Crypto pundit Colin Wu has pointed out that Buterin has been consistently transferring funds to Railgun on a monthly basis for at least the last six months. For instance, in March, he sent 29 ETH worth $108K to Railgun, which followed the 19.99 ETH sent in February.

This regular interaction with the privacy protocol raises questions about its purpose, which may be traced to an earlier commentary. For instance, Buterin’s April transfer of $325K to Railgun sparked significant attention, prompting him to remark that “privacy is normal.” In parallel, the Ethereum founder stressed that using Railgun for transactions can thwart malicious activities and safeguard privacy. 

Notably, Railgun’s privacy protocol is powered by ZK SNARKs, a zero-knowledge-proof technology. It allows users to conceal their wallet addresses during transactions on open-ledger blockchains. 

However, despite its clear purpose, it is often mistakenly labeled as a mixing service like the sanctioned crypto mixer Tornado Cash. Nonetheless, the Railgun team has reiterated that it is not a mixing service.
Meanwhile, in January 2023, ZachXBT disclosed that $63.5 million in ETH stolen from the Horizon bridge by suspected North Korean hackers was moved via Railgun. However, last month, Railgun debunked claims that North Korean hackers used it after reports emerged suggesting it may have been utilized by the hacking group Lazarus.

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