Do you want to know about the latest exchange news? You are in the right place. On this CoinEdition page, we cover exchange news covering different indices, exchange categories and coin market cap, and price changes. For those who are new to the space, a cryptocurrency exchange is a platform that matches buyers to sellers enabling users to sell, buy, trade, and often store their coins and tokens. Our writers detail both individual crypto exchange news and aggregated exchanges news; and delve into the happenings of Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), and Hybrid Exchanges. Stay updated on the latest exchange news.
KuCoin launches its 27th IEO featuring Lifeform (LFT), a project focused on decentralized digital identity solutions. The token sale has a $150K USDT hard cap,…
Coinbase reported a total revenue of $1.64 billion with a net income of $1.18 billion. The company also reported consumer transaction revenue of $935 million.…
50+ Beribit customers claim for customer funds arguing that they were unable to withdraw their money. Reports state that these customers were given only promises…
FBI warns against unregistered crypto exchanges. Users were urged to avoid crypto services that lack KYC. Clients can verify exchange registration with FinCEN. The FBI…
SEC instructs Google and Apple to remove Binance apps in the Philippines, citing security threats to investors' funds. Aquino highlights Binance's violations of securities regulations,…
CBN instructs banks to identify and freeze accounts involved in crypto transactions. Regulated financial institutions are banned from accepting cryptocurrency payments. The government scrutinizes platforms…
WooX's RWA Earn Vaults democratize access to U.S. Treasury bills, bridging traditional finance with crypto for retail investors. Rising interest rates fuel demand for tokenized…
Coinbase launches three commercials across four channels highlighting the advantages of cryptocurrencies. The ads use pizza as a symbol of money to showcase the long…
Binance's market share of Bitcoin trading fell from 81.3% to 55.3%. Bybit and OKX increased their non-U.S. market shares to 9.3% and 7.3%. Binance faces…
OrangeDX's O4DX token is now listed on the exchange ProBit Global. The listing enhances Bitcoin DeFi solutions, including the O4DX Bridge. OrangeDX simplifies early-stage project…